Family Transporter
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
A Driver’s Journey can begin by getting behind the wheel, and earning a premium salary, scholarship to be used by themselves, or a family member for a college education. Getting behind the wheel is also the means for a driver to eliminate their existing student loan debt.
Employers know that a better educated workforce is good for employers, employees, communities and our nation. That is why employers are investing in the education, training and development of their workers and those in the communities in which they live. These investments help generate a sustainable workforce, where skilled workers who join the workforce have access to opportunities to keep their skills current and to develop capabilities that enable career and income advancement. Driving can serve as a career stepping stone providing education to those who commit to driving as a means to secure their future goals of obtaining a degree without incurring student loan debt (College Debt ). In lieu of a driver’s individual pursuit of education/degree, they can opt to bestow their earned education/scholarship to a family member (e.g. child, grandchild etc..). A driver can also opt to have their existing student loan debt forgiven, or pay off the existing student loan debt of a family member.
“Executive Mentorship” provides ongoing guidance to the driver to insure proper alignment of education/degree with requirements of jobs within the company, and/or industry they drive for.
Family Transporter approaches the Special Needs School Bus Driver Shortage issue with a solution addressing the interdependence of all stakeholders including the following:
- Government, and Corporate Executives just now becoming aware of the magnitude of this business exposure created from the domino effect impact to employees,
- Candidates seeking a well paying job that can become their 21st century career, and/or act as a stepping stone in obtainment of same,
- Candidates seeking a college education through an approach that will guarantee a well paying job, underwrite their college degree, and provide executive mentoring to ensure the degree they seek aligns with talent requirements of participating firms,
- Candidates seeking a well paying job that eliminates incurred student loan debt, and provides executive mentorship aligning career goals with talent requirements of participating firms,
- Government & Education wrestling with a multi trillion dollar student loan debt bubble,
- Government/States opportunity to generate jobs for dislocated work force,
Nation/Region looking at impact to cross industry transportation security, safety with escalation in turnover of commercial drivers, and consequence from inadequate “Vetting”,
- Capability to provide a gift of a college scholarship to a family member (e.g. son, daughter, grandchild etc..), through a well paying 21st century career of Family Transporter,
- Corporations with “NO” existing remedy to the commercial driver shortage as all across-the-board incentives are found to be lacking,
- Nation looking to minimize safety, security, business, and economic consequence if this issue is not resolved.